Why do you think, in the way that you do?
Have you decided these paradigms for yourself, or have your paradigms been assimilated from the culture and the people that you surround yourself with?
What is in a Name?
There is an element of self-indulgence that comes from having a website. Even more so from putting your name in the title of the actual website.
Following a ridiculously long time deciding on the name, I called this website DallasParadigm.
I had been overly worried that the name itself would make or break its success. When any success will be the result of the actual content and how it connects with others.
It doesn’t really matter what the name is. There are a huge variety of website names out there that are successful. So why not DallasParadigm?
Dallas, the First Part
The name is in two parts. Dallas, being my name. My first name. My given name. The awesome name that I am still growing into.
When I give my name to a stranger, I will usually get a double take or an impressed response.
Yes, it is a cool name, I hated it as a child. I wanted nothing more than to be average and normal.
I am not normal. Far from it. It wasn’t until I was well into adulthood that I felt comfortable with my name.
It is my name. This is my website, so I am going to use it. The content is already personal so why not use my name?
Paradigm, the Second Half
What does Paradigm even mean and why have I chosen this word?
Paradigm is a typical example or pattern of something. It can be a pattern or a model of behaviour. It can be a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns which may include theories. Paradigm can be a standard of how certain actions are taken.
Paradigm has been used within the English language since the 15th century to mean “example” or “pattern”.
A personal paradigm is a collection of beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that can be thought of as a lens through which we view the world. It can also be described as a frame of reference that affects how we interpret our experiences, how we interact with others, and how we add meaning to the world around us.
DallasParadigm a Place for Exploration
On dallasparadigm.com I am exploring personal paradigms. Exploring my thought processes on finances and self-development as well as a whole host of other things. Working through a range of different topics. Sharing what I have learned, in the hope that it will help you, the reader as you explore your own paradigms.
Just because we have experienced one paradigm does not make it the correct or even the only way to be.
I encourage you to consider the paradigms that you have. What are your personal paradigms related to finances, money, health, relationships, and faith?
Different Paradigms
It can be a very scary and frightening experience to really delve deep into what and how you think.
To explore why you think in a certain way. You may come to realise that there are different paradigms that are more suited to you as an individual.
That can be incredibly frightening, daunting, and freeing to really understand that you can break and shift the paradigm. Your paradigm.
We are in a state of constant change as individuals and as a society.
Sometimes we move forward for the better and at times we regress. One thing for sure is that nothing ever stays the same. It is always changing.
How to Explore your Personal Paradigms:
1. Identify Existing Paradigms
Pay attention to your thought patterns and try to become more aware of them. This can help you control the results and replace any outdated paradigms with simple changes.
2. Seek Out New Ideas
Be open to new ideas and look for evidence that contradicts your beliefs.
3. Maintain a Growth Mindset
Be open to learning and growth.
Challenge the status quo by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Consider the possibility that you do not know everything.
Surround yourself with diverse perspectives. Spend time with people who have different experiences and perspectives. This can help you challenge your assumptions and to see things from a new angle.
Learn, listen, read and experience as much as you can. Pay attention to how you are developing as a person while you go through this process.
4. Act and Make the Change
Embrace the uncertainty. Paradigm shifts can be uncomfortable, they can also be exciting and full of potential. Be open to new possibilities and embrace the uncertainty.
Where you have identified the need for change, make the change.
It could be that you make a small change in your life and develop a net positive, healthy habit as a result.
Make small consistent changes. Stick with the changes that impact your life in the most positive and meaningful way.
5. Continue the Cycle and Repeat the Process
We are always changing. Keep identifying and assessing your existing paradigms. Just because it worked for you in the past does not mean that it will continue to work for you in the future.
It takes real introspective evaluation to develop and reach our full potential. Awareness of your paradigms can help you examine and question them, and become more open-minded to the perspectives of others.
Explore your personal paradigms. Take the necessary action, and enjoy the result of consistent positive change in your life.
Reach your full potential and live the ultimate epic life you deserve.